Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I just find it funny....

Things I just find funny

I find it funny that people spend and waste a lot of time trying to hide things from each other.....and then don't realize that many tell on themselves and just don't realize it.

I find it funny how a guy who really likes a girl goes from 60 to zero in intelligence when she goes into the room.....yet has a 50 percent shot at attracting her that way...He either seems "cute" in her mind....or "special".

I find it funny when it is chaotic I'm the calm one........and when its calm apparently I'm the chaotic one........I like to think I'm just in the middle

I find it funny........the youth of a child.......when they aspire to act grown up and when you see grown ups....they aspire to grow down....

I find it funny that when they say there is always someone crazy enough to do it (getting the job done of course)......everyone looks at me...

I find it funny that a majority of us speak in code........we're either like double agents or really just suck at finding the accurate words to say things.

I find IT really IT seems versatile..........$%@#$# IT....everything in ITself....It seems....You know IT..etc

I just find it funny......along with a few other things


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